Bendigo Pony Club June Happenings

After an incredibly successful Combined Training and Dressage Jackpot show in March, Bendigo Pony Club continues to forge forward planning events and its much anticipated relocation to Goornong. The past few months have been busy! Our Combined Training and Dressage Jackpot Day held at Dunolly was a huge success with nearly 100 riders participating. We’ve held two fun rallies at the Neangar grounds, a donut fundraiser; a car boot sale on a very cold Winters morning, and we are currently planning for a Horse Trials later in the year! Our members have also been busy out and about competing in horse trials, combined trainings, western clinics, trail riding, the Melbourne International 3 day event plus just general horsing about! Our next few rallies will be held at the Maldon PC grounds. The very talented Deb Browell has been coaxed out of retirement (!) to come and impart her all-encompassing jumping knowledge unto our kids. And experienced dressage coach Rosemary Harris will be a familiar face to instruct our next lot of Charlotte Dujardin superstars. [b]Goornong Plans[/b] With our Council funding now allocated, the BPC Working Committee are knee deep in discussions working with City of Greater Bendigo (COGB) mapping out the blueprint for our new home grounds. With much to consider, discussions and planning will be ongoing over the coming months while we navigate infrastructure priorities, contractors and timeframes. Whilst this might seem like a big project, we are very excited to reach this next stage of development (And we have to say we have some pretty “out there” ideas for cross country jumps…watch this space!) [b]DC Maree Campbell retiring[/b] After several years, our longstanding DC Maree Campbell has announced her retirement. Maree has been the face of Bendigo Pony Club for many years. Her contribution to the Club has been invaluable throughout this period. Maree will continue to be a part of the Club so we will still her friendly face out and about, and we wish her well with her new found “extra time”! Kerry Yean has taken over as Bendigo’s new effervescent DC and is already well known to many in the area. BPC welcomes all new members and enquiries, so please get in touch if you have any questions about joining, we’d love to hear from you – or Pauline on 04100 55162


Bendigo Pony Club: Embracing Change


Mother’s Day Rally